Who am I

I am a South Africa, living in the beautiful UK!

I have the most amazing husband and the most wonderful kids!

I love cats and currently we have two british short hair cats (don’t tell Edward that he is suppose to be short hair though, it might shock him!).  We tried to adopt 2 kittens while we were in the US for a few years but Edward did not agree with this arrangement so we had to take them back.

I am a committed christian and I love God with all my heart and want to serve Him in everything I do!  I am a work in progress and God shape and form me on a daily basis and hopefully at the end I will be  who He made me to be.

I really enjoy photography and I take photos of everything around me and everything I do.
I don’t really like sitting still and doing nothing so I will always knit, make jewellery, do pottery, baking or anything else creative I can think of to keep me busy.


One Comment Add yours

  1. Leya says:

    Looks great! Thank you for the follow and good luck with the progress of your home!

    Liked by 1 person

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